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Everyone is biochemically unique! One of the most extraordinary aspects of BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling is the fact that we individualize every encounter with every client. Migraines can happen for a myriad of reasons; from hormones to weather patterns. As with any issue, one set of frequencies is not adequate to address every migraine sufferer.
Using a person's vocal print allows us to customize requirements for optimal form and function. We hope you use the techniques to enhance the lives of your clients, your family and your fellow Earth inhabitants.
Clinical Services
Bringing BioAcoustics to Life
How to Become a Sound Health Client
1. Complete the Clinical Assessment Form below.
Once you submit your application online, our Clinical Coordinator will get in touch with you via email to go over your next steps.
Remember: BioAcoustic Solutions clinics are for data-collecting purposes only. Each case will be reviewed by our Clinical Committee. There is a waiting list to be seen so please be patient! The average waiting period is 4-6 weeks.
2. Our Clinical Committee will review your application.
If your application is accepted, you will have your voiceprint analyzed by Sharry Edwards. Please email our Clinical Coordinator at if you are interested in continuing your assessment process.*
*BioAcoustic Solutions reserves the right to deny your application if we find it does not comply with our research requirements.
3. After your application has been accepted, the Clinical Coordinator will contact you with the next steps. *Sending in voice prints*
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4. Upon receiving your vocal print, you will then be invoiced for the $300 analysis. This includes a 15-minute consultation. If would like to go further with the assessment process, we can schedule you for tone trials (where you can receive tones).
5. After your assessment, if it is determined that you will need a Tone Box and you would like to go further, an additional $470 will be invoiced.
What are Tone Trials?
Tone trials involve the identification and utilization of the most suitable tones for your concerns following the analysis of your voice print by a BioAcoustic Practitioner. During this period, they collaborate with you to pinpoint frequencies that effectively address the concerns specified in your Clinical Application Form, offering a tailored approach to enhance your well-being.
How Tone Trials Work
After a Voice Print is captured, computer analysis is used to determine the most appropriate frequencies that will be evaluated during tone trials. These frequencies are established using information supplied by the referring physician-reported issues from the client, data from voice prints, comparisons against other client voice prints who have similar issues, and a client’s responses during sound presentation.*
*Sound presentation, BioAcoustically speaking, is the delivery of analog-sequenced frequency sets, via headphones or a speaker, that are individually constructed for a client using information gleaned from a voice print by a trained BioAcoustic Practitioner.
Once a BioAcoustic Practitioner has identified the frequencies to be tested, the next step is to determine the most suitable form of feedback that will assist in the establishment of the appropriate tones to be used for long-term sound presentation. During tone trials, objective as well as subjective feedback is used to refine the formula sets. Positive and negative emotional physiological responses are used to assist in the establishment of specific frequencies, assembled in the appropriate combinations, for the proper amount of time.
Clients are then situated in a suitable position for testing; this can be standing, sitting or lying down. Individual tones are provided to the client for a duration of 30-60 seconds. The client is then asked to evaluate the tones in terms of any physical or psychological reactions they may be experiencing. Frequency techniques include a variety of objective measurements. In the case of muscle involvement, the tones may be used for up to two minutes during the testing phase of sound presentation. Data is gathered as each sound is presented and directly after each tone is concluded for biofeedback reactions. Often these clinical tone trials are video recorded and/or observed by BioAcoustic Trainees to be used for educational purposes. A client’s privacy is always protected unless specifically waived.
The goal of the tone trials is to determine the most appropriate combinations of tones that can be programmed into a small, computer-like analog frequency generator, called a Square Two™ Tone Box, that has been specifically designed to provide programmed, individuated long-term BioAcoustic sound presentation.
For research purposes, the Square Two™ Tone Box is programmed using the resulting data from the tone trials. Tone boxes are generally loaned to a client (for 1-2 days) to provide an opportunity to evaluate the responses. If warranted, the client is offered the opportunity to purchase a tone box for self-use.
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