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About Sharry Edwards™

Sharry Edwards MEd

My sacred story eludes me because my unusual talent was present before my memory began, hence I don’t know how my ability to make history by creating the future will evolve.


No one acknowledged my differences or talents beyond normal human abilities.

     From what I’m told, being raised in the foothills of Appalachia may have been the impetus for my unique hearing and vocal abilities. My adoptive parents didn’t understand how I knew what the animals needed/wanted, why headaches dissipated when I hummed or sang peculiar notes, where the water was in any forest, when a crop was willing to be harvested, or how I could explain what people weren’t saying. All of this was far beyond my understanding. I didn’t know I was unique.

     To my knowledge, my unusual abilities were not discussed even with family. My caretakers may have been concerned that I would be intimidating to some people. Hence, they kept me away from others, cautioning me about talking to anyone and even delaying my entrance into school.

     The time came when I was forced to display my talent for an audience. My 16-year-old daughter had slipped off a 12-foot-high, swinging rope into a few inches of water. When I got to her from across the isolated but crowded swimming hole, her lower leg was hanging off to one side. I knew instantly that I was going to either watch her bleed to death or reveal what I could do in public. I twisted her leg back together, wrapped it tightly in a tee shirt, asked people to help me bring her to the river bank, and started making sounds. I don’t know if people stood in awe or fear. I already knew that if I just let go and allowed the energy to flow through me that the right sounds would somehow flow through my vocal cords.

     The doctors can’t explain why she didn’t bleed to death because we were 45 minutes from help and her leg was only hanging on by a large artery that had also been damaged. The hospital ordeal lasted over a month with four operations plus months of recuperation. Her leg is now intact and serves her well.

     I knew that the talent I had been treating frivolously deserved to be respected and revered; it saved my daughter’s life. I wanted to understand how this could be real and how it could help others.

     I vowed to discover how it happened, why it happened, and how it worked. I grieved that I could not explain the science behind what had happened. I would dedicate my life to discovering how sound could influence the energy body and dictate its reactions to trauma, stress, and disease.

     My abilities have been substantiated in many universities and military labs but at first, I didn’t understand that I hear beyond the normal human range or how my voice creates a pure tone, something supposedly impossible for a human voice. 

    It is a fact that a person can only vocally reproduce what they hear and, as a child, I was only hearing the sounds of nature – we had no electricity, no running water, no radio, etc. The sounds I hear turned out to be the morphogenic resonance (of plants) described as a Signature Sound in ancient healing literature and an otoacoustic emission by modern science. Although I was hoping that my children would inherit my unique talents, unfortunately, that doesn’t appear the case. Therefore, I set about using computer advancements to help duplicate what I was hearing and able to vocally reproduce it. I didn’t want what I was capable of doing to die with me. The information had served me well even though I often treated my talent with indifference using it when I needed it and hiding it from others most of the time.

     The energy body is natural. Taming and understanding it will reveal how frequency is an ancient mystery being revealed as we attempt to understand the potential of using math as medicine; the medicine of the future.

     I can hear and duplicate the sounds/frequencies that people need to balance and become well. My mission is to provide the tools and solutions to the public in the hopes of making a difference and selfishly hope my time on the planet will leave it a better place.

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